Dincharya Ayurveda – Daily Routine According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda has been recognized to heal people by correcting their elements and it acts firmly based on two formations, one a daily routine, and the next is a regular diet. Discussing Dincharya Ayurveda is all about getting balance in life by diversifying the routine of life in such a way wherein we can provide space for everything. The energy flow gets balanced with the mitigation of elements VATA, PITTA, and KAPHA since Ayurved acts on the body’s rhythmic method and concentrated on internal healing. 

We all try to experience a healthy life by integrating good habits into our lifestyles. As who does not wish to live without fear of any health issue? Although, in today’s era, this has become difficult to focus on health and work equally. Living an Ayurvedic lifestyle by complying with Dinacharya, an Ayurvedic routine is an easy solution to all health-relevant problems and is key to boosting a harmonious balance between body, mind, and soul. 

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Daily Routine In Ayurveda 

Dincharya Ayurveda

We advise you not to try to alter a lot of things at once. Consider each move at a moment. Begin with one of our points that you feel would stand simple to execute in your life. After a particular period, you can add more moves. 

Ayurveda in the Morning 

Wake up Early 

Wake up Early

Awakening up earlier is the first major move toward a better Dincharya and happy health. Antique Vedic texts also suggest that – one hour before sunrise, is a perfect time to break your sleep. What is actually vital, though, is that you wake you in the morning VATA stage, prior to 6 am. This can sound unusual in certain, if you go to bed prior to 10 pm, according to the Ayurveda daily routine, and in case you comply with the other suggestions for dinacharya, particularly those for the evening, it is completely possible. You would stand surprised by how much freshness, lightness, and creativity you enjoy, due to only a bit of change. 

Light Physical Movement 

Light Physical Movement

In case you’ve time, go for a little brisk walk. This will encourage your circulation and metabolism and lighten your mood. Then you have to nourish yourself. Although, this is not the time to eat. Instead, nourish your body with ayurvedic massage with oil. It would get power to your muscles, tissues, and bones. This would also enhance your skin quality and can also aid calm your nervous schedule. 

Yoga and Pranayama 

This is the time for your asanas and pranayama. When practiced daily with focus and awareness, these exercises can noticeably enhance your mental and physical health. 

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Transcendental Meditation 

Transcendental Meditation

Inner cleansing is a vital part of a daily routine according to Ayurveda. We greatly suggest Transcendental Meditation as this is specifically easy and smooth to do, and give extremely deep inner silence and clarity. It would aid you to face a challenging life more peacefully and effortlessly managing its difficulties. 



You have to finish your breakfast between 8 am to 9 am. As we’ve already entered the KAPHA phase, the digestive fire is not extended very high, as per the ayurvedic dinacharya chart. Hence, your breakfast must not be very heavy. You can have some fruits or you can make light food with grains to have. Never have it rapidly, or while walking or standing. Take time to have your breakfast peacefully. 

Ayurveda in the Afternoon 



The perfect time to start your lunch is at 12 pm or last around 1 pm when the sun is high in the sky. Your digestive is high and prepared for the main food of the day. When choosing your food dishes, match them to your element kind and the recent season. After having your food, you have to take a little break. Although, as per Dincharya in Ayurveda, a nap isn’t suggested. 

Ayurveda in the Evening 



As per the Ayurvedic cycle, you have to finish your dinner around 6 pm or 7 pm. Again, it is KAPHA time with a slow digestive system. To sidestep non-essential strain on your digestive system throughout the night, dinner must not be very heavy. Khicari or vegetable soup are better choices. Never have heavy food for dinner as you would likely not stand able to digest it. Animal protein is particularly tough to digest in the sunset. Plus, select dishes that are suitable as per your element kind and the season. 

Evening Walk and Rest Time

Evening Walk

According to the Dinacharya Ayurveda, you need to take a 10 to 15-minute light walk after having a feed. Then go to your bed to take a rest. We advise avoiding exciting things, computer work, or watching TV. 

Go to Bed Early 

Go to Bed Early

You must not to go sleep after 10 pm, at the beginning of PITTA time. In case you’re still awake, your body and mind become energetic again, so you can have a hassle falling asleep. Then sleep happens usually very late. 

Also Read: Which Foods To Avoid According To Ayurveda At Night?

FAQ’s Of Dincharya Ayurveda

What Do You Mean By Dinacharya?

Dinacharya is a thought in Ayurvedic medicine that looks at the point of nature and vases regular activities around these cycles. Ayurveda contends that daily activities aid form balance and that comprehending regular cycles is useful for boosting health.

What Is The Importance Of Dincharya?

In case complied with completely, Dincharya needs to form a balance in a person’s constitution and thereby aid in regulating the biological clock. In addition, this helps digestion, absorption, and assimilation and produces discipline, silence, satisfaction, and longevity.

How Many Hours Sleep Does Ayurveda Suggest?

According to Ayurveda, eight hours of sleep is truly good for better health.


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